Modal participation factors

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Modal participation factors

Post by berktaftali »

Does anyone has a script/code to calculate modal participation ratios in OpenSees?
Berk Taftali
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Candidate, Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
erol kalkan
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Post by erol kalkan »

For MPF computation,

compute [story mass x eigen vector at the master joint] at each story and sum them up. It will be the modal participation factor.

I did some changes in the code to get directly the eigen vectors at certain node number, I wrote a command for that

[nodeEigen "nodenumber" "direction"] with that one to get the eigen vector at any node and at any time of the analysis is trivial. if you need I can send you the compiled opensees exe file or more info.

Hope this help,
E. Kalkan
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Post by berktaftali »

I'm also using a modified version of OpenSees, so the your executeable won't work with my models. The code underlying the

Code: Select all

command and a script showing the MPF calculations will be very helpful, though...

Thanks in advance...
Berk Taftali
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Candidate, Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
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Post by silvia »

this is why scripts are more handy, as they are more transferrable.
please let me know if you do write such a script.
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
erol kalkan
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Post by erol kalkan »

Hope that one helps, c++ code is as follows

The class added under Globals for nodeeigen comand is:

nodeEigen(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, TCL_Char **argv)

if (argc < 3) {
opserr << "WARNING want - nodeEigen nodeTag? dof?\n";
return TCL_ERROR;

int tag, dof;

if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[1], &tag) != TCL_OK) {
opserr << "WARNING nodeEigen nodeTag? dof? - could not read nodeTag? \n";
return TCL_ERROR;
if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[2], &dof) != TCL_OK) {
opserr << "WARNING nodeEigen nodeTag? dof? - could not read dof? \n";
return TCL_ERROR;

Node *theNode = theDomain.getNode(tag);
double value = 0.0;
if (theNode != 0) {
const Matrix dispe = theNode->getEigenvectors();
value = dispe(0,dof-1); // RETURNS only first 3 modes


return TCL_OK;

before using "nodeeigen" command call the [eigen] in opensees.

For the script to compute MPFs, I dont have any generic but case-specific.
I will try to put in a generic form and will post here.
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Post by fmk »

it is also calculated in this example script. ... .php?t=426
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Re: Modal participation factors

Post by Ricsey »

Do you looking for this? I wrote a code which is model independant:
proc calculate_modalmass { modeNum dir } {
#Calcuates modal masses in $modeNum at $dir with:
#(fi_transpose * M * fi)^2
#fi: eigenvector
#M: mass diagonal matrix

# Calculate modal mass in actual direction
set NODES [getNodeTags]

set modalMassUP 0.0
set modalMassDOWN 0.0

set totalMass 0.0
foreach node $NODES {
set actualMass [nodeMass $node $dir]
set totalMass [expr $totalMass + $actualMass]

foreach node $NODES {
set m [nodeMass $node $dir]
set fi [nodeEigenvector $node $modeNum $dir]
set iota 1.0
set modalMassUP [expr $modalMassUP + $m*$fi*$iota]
for {set dof 1} {$dof < 7} {incr dof} {
set fi_dof [nodeEigenvector $node $modeNum $dof]
set m_dof [nodeMass $node $dof]
set modalMassDOWN [expr $modalMassDOWN + $fi_dof**2*$m_dof]

set modalMass [expr $modalMassUP**2 / $modalMassDOWN]

return [expr $modalMass/$totalMass]

set modeShapes 4
eigen $modeShapes
puts "X\tY\tZ"
for {set mode 1} {$mode < $modeShapes} {incr mode} {
puts "[calculate_modalmass $mode 1] [calculate_modalmass $mode 2] [calculate_modalmass $mode 3]"
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