Search found 11 matches

by EQpkm
Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:30 pm
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: lumped plasticity for RC section under cyclic loading
Replies: 0
Views: 1425

lumped plasticity for RC section under cyclic loading


Could you please help me to model lumped plasticity under cyclic loading.
i have used RotSpring2DModIKModel.tcl but i have confused about 10 parameters (LS LK LA LD cS cK cA cD DP DN). I could not find any formulation calculate the values.

Could anybody help me please?

by EQpkm
Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:16 pm
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: RotSpring2DModIKModel- parameters
Replies: 3
Views: 3716

Re: RotSpring2DModIKModel- parameters

thank you,
You mean this model is not suitable for RC? Which model you recommend for plastic hinges in RC beams and columns?
by EQpkm
Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:32 pm
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: RotSpring2DModIKModel- parameters
Replies: 3
Views: 3716

RotSpring2DModIKModel- parameters

Hi, could you please help me to understand "RotSpring2DModIKModel" six parameters. (LS,LK,LA,LD,CS,CK,CA,CD) which are related to cyclic deterioration based on Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model. i want exactly know how to calculate these parameters. in my case it is rc section under cy...
by EQpkm
Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:30 pm
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: Comparison of two type of modeling
Replies: 3
Views: 3318

Re: Comparison of two type of modeling


may i have your models details? i have got confused with my comparisons in this two method of modeling!!

by EQpkm
Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:54 am
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model- warning
Replies: 4
Views: 4661

Re: Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model- warning

Following parameters make an important role in analysis results. So how can i be sure which value is suitable to be considered for each one? (As an example i compared LS1 = 1.0 and LS2 = 1000 LS1 result no deterioration) set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deter...
by EQpkm
Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:30 pm
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model- warning
Replies: 4
Views: 4661

Re: Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model- warning

shear force - drift curve looks wrong! strength and stiffness deterioration is not observed!?
but backbone curve (moment-curvature) seems right!!
by EQpkm
Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:13 am
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model- warning
Replies: 4
Views: 4661

Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model- warning

Hi, Could you please help me about this non convergence and warning! Thanks (i also copied my script.) Ec = 30769.358811184036 Modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler Model with Bilinear Hysteretic Response T = 0.22599913714961264 Model Built 2e-3 Is Done -4e-3 Is Done 2e-3 Is Done -4e-3 Is Done 2e-3 Is D...
by EQpkm
Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:17 am
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: Modified Ibarra-Madina-Krawinkler backbone curve (Warning)
Replies: 2
Views: 3695

Modified Ibarra-Madina-Krawinkler backbone curve (Warning)

Hello, i have used using " rotspringModiKModel" to model a concentrated plastic hinge in a SDOF simplified column with lumped mass on top. I wonder what is wrong with this model! please help me Following is my simple model script! first it's error is: Starting OpenSees.. Modified Ibarra-Me...
by EQpkm
Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:50 am
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: Warning
Replies: 2
Views: 2874

Re: Warning

Oh, yes! that's right.
i really appreciate
by EQpkm
Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:37 am
Forum: OpenSees.exe Users
Topic: Warning
Replies: 2
Views: 2874


Hi, Could any one help me to find out what does this warning mean? I have got confused! Node::addunbalLoad - load to add of incorrect size 4 should be 3 WARNING DisplacementControl::domainChanged() - zero reference loadStaticAnalysis ::setAlgorithm() - Integrator::domainChanged() failedStaticAnalysi...